I recently read the blog article “Cookieless Cookies” that talks about using ETag for tracking users. Smart. This is the second article I read about obscure ways to store tracking information of a user. The first one was about storing Cookie information using Flash.

Using cookieless tracking is not really something new. While it can be fun to read about various advanced way of tracking users, there’s been a way of doing that without cookies for a long time.

Enter jsessionid Link to heading

Have you ever seen a URL something like


where XXXX is a code of arbitrary length? jsessionid is the name if the session identifier that a couple of Java web servers are using to store the unique session identifier that maps the session inbetween requests. In the case of Tomcat, (by default) it tries to set a cookie with the name jsessionid. If it can’t, it puts the session identifier in the URL instead.

Wait a minute here! We are tracking users without cookies here! Touché. While there are all these various complicated ways of tracking a user, this is a very simple way of doing it.

URL based tracking Link to heading

Let’s call this “URL based tracking”. The tracking is governed by two simple rules:

  • For a new user that does not have a tracking identifier in its URL: Redirect him/her to the exact same URL, but with a unique identifier appended to the url.
  • For all other page loads: Make sure that every single <a> tag has its href attribute appended with the unique tracking identifier.

As long as all links on http://www.example.com are appended with the tracking identifier, we can every single move that a user makes on a website. This type of tracking has three specific features that are noteworthy:

First, as opposed to Flash based or cache/Etag based tracking, URL based tracking cannot permanently be disabled. Flash can be uninstalled, and a cache can be cleared. Sure, a browser plugin could do clientside URL replacement, but there are many complicated ways of embedding the session identifier in a URL. You could even use a symmetric encryption for it.

Nowadays there are many websites that are using long and complicated URLs. They are a perfect case for cookieless tracking. Just look at Amazon’s URL:s:


Very few visitors would notice if one of these parameters would stay unchanged as you would progress from page to page on Amazon. In fact, they might even use a cookieless tracking ID already based on the cheer number of parameters they have…

Secondly, for less obscure tracking identifiers in the URL, it’s fairly easy for a visitor to reset the tracking id. Simply remove it from the URL and reload the page. That said, they’ll get a new tracking identifier set immediately.

Thirdly, URL based sessions are not persisted between different website visits. If you leave http://www.example.com/something/;jsessionid=XXXX and come back to it, you will loose your tracking id. This obviously means that tracking cannot be done between browser restarts.

In summary Link to heading

For webmasters: If you’d like to track your visitors that has cookies disabled, this is probably the easiest way you can do this.

For privacy aware users: Make sure to keep track of what’s put in your URL! ;)