The ultimate quality assurance is when customers get their hands on your software and actually try it. That’s when you know if your software does what it’s supposed to do or not. This happens in production.

Every technical decision has a tradeoff, but certain things are rarely challenged in our industry. Having a staging environment[1], and having every change go through the staging environment, are two of those things.

So, what is a staging environment? It is a full replica of a production environment. Do you have a backend service running in production? Then you also need that service in staging. Do you have a database in production? Then you need a database in your staging environment. Etcetera. Most companies having a staging environment require every change to first go through staging to verify that the change works before hitting production.

Many names
[1] A staging environment can have many names: staging, QA, pre-prod, preproduction, testing, etc.

Reasons for not having a staging environment Link to heading

There are multiple reasons why I consider having, and using, a staging environment as wasteful. They can be summed up in three big categories:

  • A staging environment gives a false sense of safety.
  • It slows down developer velocity.
  • It has a high operational cost.

Let me explain:

Not sustainable over time Link to heading

As engineers, we are all encouraged to build up automated test suites (unit tests, etc.) to make sure that tests can verify that today’s behavior will work in the future. Manual testing, such as the one used in a staging environment, is frowned upon in our industry. Yet, why are we doing it? I think staging environments encourage manual testing. If we want to Build Quality In™️, we need automated testing. If we need automated testing, we need to stop manual testing. A great way to stop manual testing is to not have a staging environment.

Bottlenecked shared resource Link to heading

Good morning! Could everyone hold off with your deploys (to staging) for the next hour? We are testing something on staging.

The more engineers you have, the more a staging environment will bottleneck as a testing ground. One team is testing something and want a stable environment to make sure that other bugs randomly pop up. By definition, they can’t control which other changes are made to the environment since it is shared between teams.

Version surprises Link to heading

Let’s say services A & B both have the following CI pipeline: code review -> staging -> [approval] -> production The [approval] step means that the deployment flow is what is called a “staged rollout”.

If each service is being deployed from version 1 to version 2, the version combinations in production for services A & B can then be (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), and (2, 2). Four combinations! For three services, that’s eight combinations.

Needless to say, the number of version combinations that could be running in production grows exponentially - and making sure to cover all the cases becomes an impossibility. By skipping staging we would know that what is running in production is what is the latest version in our source code. Much simpler, fewer surprises.

Batched deploys Link to heading

Continuing on the topic of staged rollout above, the manual [approval] step requires manual work. And manual work tends to happen less often. This means that there are multiple changes queued up in staging to be deployed to production. While this gives an increased sense of safety, this actually has the opposite effect:

It makes it much harder to debug if a deployment breaks in production. Which of the 6 changes have a bug in it? What did we change? Had we deployed each change individually to production, we would immediately know which change was bad.

Deployers are not really reviewing what is going out in production because the list is just too big.

A false sense of safety Link to heading

I have heard the argument “So, if we don’t test it in staging - how do we know if it works in production?”. There is an assumption that everything that works on staging will work in production. As most Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) are aware of, this isn’t true. By definition, a staging environment is different than production. Here are some common things that can differ between staging and production:

  • The amount of data being stored.
  • The actual data being stored. Production usually have a lot of surprises…
  • Traffic patterns
  • Runtime configuration (CPU, memory, application configuration…)
  • Feature flags
  • Different database schema (by mistake).
  • And more…

Believing that a change will work in production if it works on staging is a fallacy.

“We need to test our infrastructure changes” Link to heading

Infrastructure changes can be safely done without a staging environment, but it requires a different mindset. The key is to think about gradual rollouts and routing of new functionality. See the bottom of this article for some staging-independent ways to do this.

Here are some staging-independent ways to test things in production without negatively impacting users:

I think the engineers who are best at this, are the true DevOps engineers who can freely move between being a developer and operations person. Knowing where to introduce the new functionality gradually is key.

Being able to do the above requires a strong focus on good observability. How will you make sure that your change doesn’t break anything?

Cost Link to heading

A staging environment has infrastructure costs. For complex systems, this cost can be significant. Every service you run in production must run in staging. Every database running in production, must also run one in staging. Databases can be expensive…

There is also the cost of maintaining a staging environment. This is either salary costs for more engineers or slower development. See more below.

Slower feedback cycle in the development of software Link to heading

The DORA metric “lead time to production” is defined as the average time it takes to get a change out in production. If every change must go through a staging environment, it will significantly impact this metric negatively.

“get a change out in production” also includes rollbacks. If there is a bug rolled out to production it will take much longer to revert that change if it also needs to go out to a staging environment.

Foundation for miscommunication Link to heading

If you have ever worked at a company with a staging environment I am sure you have occasionally been confused because the user you are looking for doesn’t exist in the environment you are looking at. You are looking at the wrong environment. If there are multiple environments, communicating which environment must happen in every internal bug report conversation: Slack/IM/chat/e-mail conversation must include which environment. This has a cost.

I have debugged issues for more than one hour only to realize that the issue only happens in one environment but not the other.

“But we need to test those UX changes” Link to heading

I agree that getting feedback on UX changes can be a challenge. While it is possibly to codify automated UX tests using Selenium and/or Playwright, manually testing a UX is pretty much a requirement to get early feedback on how a UX feels.

A full staging environment is not a requirement to be able to do this. It can be done by starting up a frontend preview per pull request, and have that frontend pointing to a production backend.

Or even better, wrap your new UX change behind a feature flag and have your colleagues, alpha, or beta testers test it in production!

A pull request environment as a full replica of a production environment has all the same downsides as having a staging environment. I would avoid that.

“But we need to test the frontend changes with the backend changes” Link to heading

Deploy your backend changes with backward compatibility. Then test your frontend changes. Simple as that. Deploying a frontend and a backend change as an “atomic” deploy is a bad practice anyway.

“But we need to have it for security reasons” Link to heading

Some companies implement a separation between staging and production data by having a staging environment. There are other, cheaper, controls that can solve that in a completely different way; Tag all users as either being a test user or a production user. And introduce access control based on this tag.

It’s also worth pointing out that having two environments will not protect anyone from leaking data between two production users which in my opinion is a much more serious bug.

I think having a staging environment is a good example of a security control that doesn’t consider other forms of risks.

Ways to relax the dependency on a staging environment Link to heading

Here are some staging-independent ways to test things in production without negatively impacting users:

In the article “Why CEOs are failing software engineers and other creative teams”, Gene Bond talks about how Creative Management has the goal to to drive down the cost of failure, not the number of failures. This is exactly what some of these tools do.

Reasons for having a staging environment Link to heading

I have seen staging environments being required for compliance reasons. That’s a valid reason! If I would end up in that situation, I would make sure to at least deploy to production and staging in parallel, if I could.

There might occasionally be a reason where you might want to have a production replica temporarily if you are doing a big rewrite of something. That said, big rewrites are generally bad, so I would avoid it.

Apart from the above, I am struggling to find real good long-term reasons for having a staging environment.

Closing thoughts Link to heading

Certain workplaces have more than one pre-production environment (“staging”, “testing”, “qa”, “pre-production”… - hello banks! 👋😊). Suffice to say, everything in this document applies to all of these pre-production environments proportionally to the number of additional environments that need to be maintained.

Having a staging environment can be useful for town planners. But if a company values moving quickly over risk averseness, I would strongly suggest to not have a staging environment.

References Link to heading

I am not the first person to write about this. Here are some other articles on the Internet: