I just disabled blog post commenting on this blog after Disqus, my former blog post comment system, rolled out a pretty horrible (or shall I say…disqusting?) change.

Screenshot of the mail from Disqus saying they have introduced ads.

On the 26th of September, Disqus decided to introduce ads without any sort of warning. And it wasn’t just any kind of ads:

Disqus offering horrible ads.

Suddenly I started seeing high-quality ads…NOT…recommending me to look at 25 beautiful videos, buy solar panels, and possibly drugs.

On top of this, they soon sent me an offer to get a discounted price:

Screenshot of hostage offer.

Modern hostage situation!

Given that very few of my posts receive any kind of comments these days, I don’t have any intention of reenabling comments for now. If you truly think I need comments, reach out, and I can make an effort to enable some commenting system. You can find my contact information on this site’s front page.