I’ve previously written about what event sourcing is. Reading about it, you might think “heck, sounds great! But how do I get started?”. This blog post will propose a simple way.

A Minimum Viable Product Link to heading

The concept of a minimum viable product states that you shouldn’t do more than absolutely necessary before releasing a product. You need to release it when it’s just good enough. If it’s received badly, you haven’t invested too much time or energy into it.

So, how can you get started with event sourcing quickly and without spending a lot of time coding an event store? Here are a couple of options:

  • Use an append-only log file for the events. This has the advantage of being simple. The downside is that querying it slow (requires seeking it) and code to build state need to be handled fairly manually. It also means that you would have to handle checksumming and backup of data etc. yourself.
  • Have a look at EventStore. It’s a .NET event store that has both a hosted commercial as well as an open source implementation.
  • Consider using an RDBMS. RDBMSes do not, in general, have any type of notification framework for database changes/events. So either, it would be up to you to poll the database, or you would have to use some external notification framework (RabbitMQ etc.).

Recently I’ve been curious to see whether CouchDB holds true as a viable event store database. Event sourcing involves creating projections from events and CouchDB’s incremental map/reduce views sounded like a natural fit for this.

Requirements Link to heading

The following were my requirements:

  1. Be able to store events as incremental state changes f various aggregate roots.

  2. Be able to store events as unstructured data. By that I mean they need to support various fields depending on event type.

  3. Query capabilities:

    I. Be able to easily query event chronologically grouped by aggregate root. This would make it possible to create various timelines on an aggregate root basis. II. Be able to easily query events chronologically independently of aggregate roots. Together with “Listen to database changes” below, this would make it possible to build up complex states in external systems. III. Quickly create prototypical projections. This would make it possible to quickly query current state based on previous events.

    IV. Listen for database changes. This would enable me to push

    changes out to interested parties, as opposed to needing to poll.

  4. Support atomic writes. This is important to make sure that among concurrent writes of events, always only one will win.

A tentative implementation Link to heading

So far I’ve been able to come up with an implementation that supports all of the above requirements using CouchDB.

Let’s look at three possible events for a simple adressbook:

Atomic writes and unique indexes in CouchDB Link to heading

Consider the top level event properties:

_id and aggregateType Link to heading

_id contains three pieces of information separated by a colon (:).

  • Aggregate root type.
  • Aggregate root identifier.
  • Aggregate root version.

Let’s look about them individually. To simplify, I’ll start with the version:

In event sourcing, an aggregate root moves from one version to another. Each event increases the version of the aggregate root. While type and identifier are immutable throughout the life cycle of an aggregate root, version numbering is incremented. This means that concurrent writes to a database can be done optimistically, failing only if a write with the same _id was done previously.

The aggregate version is put at the end for increased readability of _id.

If you intend to use CouchDB views to create projections of your events, each event need to be specific to an aggregate type. There are multiple ways of doing this:

  • using an aggregate type field. Simply setting doc.aggregateType='contact' for every event. This is a bit cumbersome and makes it harder to see what type an event happened to. The good thing is that a lot of disk space can be saved on this.
  • prepending the aggregate root with a type, like in the example above. While this would increase readability what the aggregate type the event is all about, it would increase the database size a fair amount. I have seen recommendations on the web to try to keep the _id small.
  • make sure that every doc.event.type has a unique mapping to an aggregate type. The event type contactCreated would obviously map to a contact. This solution would probably backfire eventually. I’d rather have an event type called cescriptionChanged instead of contactDescriptionChanged.
  • having a single CouchDB-database for every aggregate type. To keep the database in sync, I strongly suggest against this.

The aggregate type is put as the first part to easily distinguish what event type we are working with when looking at events.

Inbetween the aggregate type and the version specifier, a unique identifier is stored. It is unique throughout the lifetime of the aggregate root.

globalId Link to heading

globalId is an orderable ID that makes it possible to traverse through the global order of events. In my examples I’ve used type 1 UUIDs.

event Link to heading

Holds the data that describes the event. event.type also contains a string describing what type of event it is.

meta Link to heading

This is a property not strictly related to the specific event, but information that can be used for debugability. Examples are timestamps, which client published the event, which user did it etc. The latter is great information to create a highly auditable system.

Event projection views Link to heading

Using the previously described event schema, CouchDB’s map/reduced based views can be used to create most simple cases of projections:

Here’s a design document that keeps track of the description of a person:

The secret sauce here is to use the aggregate root to to decide whether to update the reduce state or not.

What a view cannot do is keep track of older versions of an aggregate root. This requires building state in an external application that tracks database changes. Good news is that this is fairly easy to do as CouchDB ships with a changes API. This makes it easy for an external application to easily track state as events are being published.

Handling replication conflicts Link to heading

One of CouchDB’s unique selling points is master-to-master replication. There’s some cool stuff that this enables you to do. For example you can easily implement syncing clients using libraries such as PouchDB and TouchDB.

Sadly, master-master replication comes with a cost; namely the fact that it’s possible that there can be replication conflicts if two or more CouchDB instances changes a document and then sync. CouchDB uses MVCC and automagically chooses a winner. Sometimes this might not be the right winner. This happens you can tell CouchDB that you prefer another winner.

My example implementation above would not handle write conflicts very well. It would be able to fix a basic conflict like this:

1 -> 2 --> 3a
        -> 3b

However, if a series of multiple events would conflict, it would be impossible to recreate the different event history paths that might have occured. The following conflicting events:

1 -> 2 --> 3a -> 4a
        -> 3b -> 4b

could mean either of these histories:

1 -> 2 -> 3a -> 4a
1 -> 2 -> 3a -> 4b
1 -> 2 -> 3b -> 4a
1 -> 2 -> 3b -> 4b

This could be problematic, as CouchDB could choose a corrupt event history. Picking one event from one CouchDB source, and another event from another CouchDB instance’s line of history.

To remedy this, I would incorporate a prevRevision property for every event. Every version of a CouchDB document would have a revision that changes every time the document changes. By always refering to the previous revision you would essentially have a single-linked history, similar to the way GIT works with its SHA-1’s.

Other advantages of CouchDB Link to heading

I’ve always been fond of CouchDB’s different approach to dealing with things as opposed to other databases. Here are a couple of other things that are worthwhile to know about:

  • Crash friendliness. CouchDB uses an append-only file for it’s data. To restore used up space a compaction need to take place. It’s up the database maintainer to decide when a compaction happens. This append-only architecture means that CouchDB can crash at any time. In fact, the normal way to shut down CouchDB is simply to kill it.
  • BigCouch. BigCouch is a CouchDB proxy that sits in front of multiple CouchDB instances. It mirrors the CouchDB REST API as close as possible, but transparently uses real CouchDB instances as backends. This makes it possible to store huge amounts of data in CouchDB. The flipside is that rereduce steps in a view always need to take place in in BigCouch (which is usually not a problem).
  • Commercial solutions, such as Cloudant and IrisCouch.

An implementation Link to heading

I’ve started on an implementation of all of this, but I’m still trying to figure out if it’s too over-engineered or not :). Until then, I’ll keep it unpublished. Keep a lookout of my Github account to see when it shows up!

Future improvements Link to heading

CouchDB has claimed to be “a a database for the web”. It talks HTTP and there’s been numerous libraries that makes it possible to host a full web application in a CouchDB instance. The means that CouchDB would fully replace the classical web server (Apache, nginx etc.) setup.

Recently I’ve been trying to wrap my head around how authorization works in CouchDB, especially when it comes to dealing with design documents. I’m not entirely sure it would be possible to expose the whole event store directly to the Internet. However, if this would be doable with correct authorization it would allow some cool stuff such as fully hosting event stored applications in CouchDB, possibly together with PouchDB.