Using “code as self-serve”, such as Terraform or Kubernetes, in Platform Engineering is a rather bad idea. Let me explain why:
These days there is all the rage around Platform Engineering,
and in fact I spent my last few years at $previousEmployer
doing exactly
One of the core tenets of “Platform Engineering” is the concept of “self-serve”. That is, instead of a Platform team acting as a blocker, you instead make sure to build a developer experience (DevEx) that enables engineers to do something themselves exactly when they need it. Just In Time! For example, if developers need a database they shouldn’t need to reach out to the Platform Engineering team and ask for one. Instead, they should simply be able to easily fire up a new database themselves within a few minutes.
A common thing I have seen multiple Platform Engineering teams do is to use (declarative) “code as self-serve”, for example using Terraform or Kubernetes (K8s). I don’t know how many times I’ve heard a Platform team say
“No problem, we have a self-serve experience - the developers can just submit a pull request to our Terraform/Kubernetes code to create their new database. We will review it and merge it for them.”
For example, if you don’t have any kind of abstraction layer around your Kubernetes YAML, writing >300 lines of YAML is not a pleasant experience. The same usually applies to Terraform.
Generally, there are usually a few common problems with “code as self-serve”:
It’s not beginner friendly. While many engineers think “well, it’s just code”, learning Terraform/K8s/et al. is neither simple, nor easy. Given how hard it is to hire senior engineers these days, I think the aim should be to give junior engineers an easy self-serve experience. Having to learn Terraform to create a database is like crossing the river for water.
It has slow or hard to find feedback. If a developer fills out the wrong information in code, feedback is usually given through a hard-to-find CI/CD output with a cryptic error message.
Ownership issues. Usually “code as self-serve” exists in a centralised VCS repository owned and maintained by the Platform team. This means that there is a big risk that non-platform engineers simply see the Platform team as the owners of the resources listed in the repository. What you want is, the developers to make sure they feel ownership the resources they create. Otherwise we just end up where the industry was before DevOps (as a culture) was a thing.
It can be slow. Most source code changes requires code review. Having to go through a code review for self-serve can make it a really bad experience. Waiting a couple of hours for a code review approval is not what you would want.
Lack of change locality. Creating a new microservices likely requires
- a new git repository.
- a new database.
- a new load balancer
- a skeleton source code containing a Hello World implementation.
- and more…
Code as self-serve has a tendency to ask the developer to make these changes in multiple places (because Terraform can’t generate the source code etc.). A nice developer experience in this case would be to trigger the creation of a new service in one place, not many.
Finally, usually self-serve is critical to easily be able to start RnD projects such as [spikes][spike] or POCs. As such, a slow and complex self-serve experience can actually have a daunting impact on company innovation.
What are the alternatives? Create a graphical user interface that guides the users through the right choices, naming standards etc. Spotify’s Backstage is one such alternative.
Above said, I understand the common journey for companies is to start with code as self-serve. It’s a good start! Just make sure to not get stuck there. Platform Engineering involves thinking of developer experience with a product mindset. Just like most SaaS companies will not ask their end-customers to write YAML over using a GUI, the same applies to the domain of Platform Engineering.